The Ultimate Guide to Cables & Connectors

Cable Chick's blogs contain useful guides, and tech info on all your favourite AV and computer cables, plus a useful guide for identifying what cable or adapter you need. If you're trying to identify what kind of cable, connector or adapter required for your device, our Ultimate Guide to Cables & Connectors is essential reading. We've laid out a visual reference for most video, audio and computer plugs + sockets, so you can visually identify the plug/socket you have, to work out the cable/adapter you need!

Blog Category: Technology Guides

Understanding HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection)
Published 11th Sept, 2024
Understanding HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection)
You may have heard the letters HDCP strung together in an unpronounceable word before. Maybe you've seen it written on the back of the box containing your shiny new audio visual device. Possibly you've not been able to get your shiny new AV device to work and have been told "oh that sounds like a HDCP issue" and you've nodded your head feigning your understanding only to walk away from the conversation more confused than before. Well let's clear things up and take a look at what exactly those four mysterious letters actually mean.   Read More
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